Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh Where Have I Been?

In case anyone has noticed my disappearance from this blog, I wanted to assure you I haven't gone far. I've simply moved to a blog next door.

My move to a new bloggerhood came about from being on the Board of Directors for an animal shelter in Northeast Tennessee. A shelter that isn't yet built. Last spring I was appointed as the PR person and I've taken to it like, well, a dog to a bone.

Since accepting the assignment, I have somehow managed to build a pretty darn good website (she said modestly.) You can check it out here.

I also write a weekly article for the local paper which gets published most of the time. And I've started a new blog, right here (on Blogger) called, "Claiborne Animal Shelter Updates and News." Catchy title, eh?

It's been an interesting learning curve that has helped me hone my writing skills. With the news articles I figure I've got three seconds to engage my readers before they turn the page to see what's on sale at the United Grocery Outlet. I've set a 150 word limit for myself and stick strictly to one topic. The one topic rule is really hard!

I update the blog once a week which is not easy since there's not always something new to say. But, the shelter Board wants to keep people updated on the progress of the building (sloooooow but still moving) which we hope will convince them to donate money. It's a real challenge thinking of creative variations of, "we need cash!

All of this writing has energized my brain and, surprise-surprise, spawned an idea for a non-fiction middle grade book! Who'da thunk? So that's it. That's all I wanted to say.

(How many words is this?)