Monday, November 03, 2008

A Room by Any Other Name...

Today I got a gigantic urge to show the world my absolute favorite room in my house. I sometimes call it my reading room or, when I'm in a more formal frame of mind, The Library. It's dark without being dingy, and while the wood paneling is knotty pine rather than mahogany, I still think it gives the room tone.

I realize as far as urges go, posting a picture of a room seems pretty lame. So, rather than trying to convince you of the merits of this room, (and therefore, of this blog entry) I'll post the photograph and be done with it. Except, well, seriously....

...waddya think? Is that a humdinger of a room or what?


Debbie Diesen said...

It's beautiful!! The perfect cozy room for reading -- and I can imagine pulling another chair or two over to the table by the window for a game of Scrabble.

eluper said...

What an excellent room... and what an excellent kilim!